MakeMIT 2020: IOT Bird House

1 min read

Teammates: Kevin Liu, Samyak Jian, Brian Lee, Brian Zhang


In the past, studying bird migrations and populations has always been a articularly grueling tasking, requiring the resercher to manually record bird observations on a spreasheet. Our project seeks to take advantage of the extreme popularity of amateur birdwatching to revolutionalize ornithological research by connecting the data generated by amateur birdwatching to scientists worldwide.

How it works

Our IOT birdhouse seeks to automate the process of birdwatching. It featrues servos to dispense bird feed for passing birds. A ultrasonic sensor activates a camera to take a picture of the bird in the birdhouse. The images are saved and can be viewed using a website.


The bird house was created using laser-cut acrylic and wood.
